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Momfidence was born...

Learning curve ahead
Never a dull moment an idea, a word, a mamafesto -- about the same time as my fourth child. (In all, I have one boy, two stepsons, three girls, and four bags under each eye to prove it.)
"Momfidence" is the title of both my longtime column in Woman's Day and my book published by Crown, then a division of Random House. At the time, I wrote both, I was also a contributing editor of Parenting and BabyTalk and had written a series of parenting guides for Time Inc's Parenting Group.
"Write what you DON'T know" has always been my motto as a journalist -- a great way to learn from the best minds in child development and pediatrics, scores of whom I've been lucky to interview and work with. I've been Dr. Harvey Karp's collaborator on the NYT bestseller The Happiest Toddler on the Block and Jill Stamm's on Bright From the Start.
Most recently I served as content chief of Kinstantly (now defunct, though many of its useful articles live on here, under Articles ).
One more bit of momfidence-cred trivia: I wrote BabyCenter's original "Your Baby/Your Child This Week" newsletters from pregnancy through age 7. So if you've ever compared your 10-week-old fetus to a kumquat, blame me. 
-- Paula Spencer Scott, mother of momfidence
(That's me in the slide show, with three of my kids, and as a kid myself meeting my little brother-- with an expression I'd come to wear often around children....)

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Wooden Phone

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